School Council
Role of School Council
School councils are groups who make decisions that set the direction of the school. They:
consult and check the school's budget
contribute to the school strategic plan
make decisions on policies like investments, payments by parents, dress code.
Councils usually have between six and 15 members and include:
the principal, who is the executive officer
parents who are chosen through an election
a school or Department staff member.
Becoming a Member of School Council
Being a school council member means taking part in shaping the future of the school. You will need to attend meetings and may need to develop new skills.
In most cases you need to be elected to become a council member. Elections happen by March each year and all parents and guardians from the school can vote.
If you're elected, you're a council member for two years.
The process is:
The principal will announce an election in late February or early March. They will provide a form or other way to nominate.
Complete the form or reply to the principal by the deadline.
If there are more nominations than vacant positions, a vote will happen.
The principal will run the vote and announce the outcome.
Be Part of a Council Subcommittee
Some school councils have subcommittees. They are groups that help with the council's work and give advice.
Subcommittees are for a specific purpose, like finance, IT or community relations.
You do not have to be a school council member to sit on a subcommittee. Contact the school for opportunities.